April 2024 Newsletter | Cyber Savvy or Sitting Duck? šŸ¦†Challenge Your Team’s Cyber Smarts!

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This month, we’re excited to share our visit to the Axis Experience Center in Toronto, where we explored the latest in smart technologies and security solutions. We also highlight the importance of phishing simulations to bolster your company’s cybersecurity and our involvement in Tech Week, where Teleco is inspiring future tech professionals in the classroom. Lastly, if you haven’t upgraded to Teleco’s VoIP solution, discover how it can enhance your business with greater flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. Thank you for being a valued part of the Teleco family!

Your April riddle awaits…
I see without eyes, I hear without ears, I’m always watching, calming your fears. I guard your office, both day and night, Yet I’m just a machine, not filled with fright.
What am I?

(find the answer at the bottom of the email!)

Visit the Axis Experience Center in Toronto

Last month we had the pleasure to bring local clients through the Axis Experience Center in Toronto. The AEC is a unique opportunity to experience network video, access control and audio solutions and behind-the-scenes access to the latest technologies. Ā Not only can you get your hands on testing a wide range of technologies you can meet and discuss case uses with the experts.Ā If you would like to visit the AEC in Toronto let us know. We would love to open up this opportunity for you!Ā Contact us here.

Strengthen Your Cyber Defense: The Power of Phishing Simulations!

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity training is not just an optionā€”it’s a necessity.Ā OurĀ latest blogĀ delves into the critical role of phishing simulations in fortifying your team against evolving cyber threats. Learn how these simulations can transform your employees into cyber-savvy defenders, ensuring your organization stays one step ahead of malicious actors.Ā Click hereĀ to read more and empower your team to face cybersecurity challenges head-on!

Sign up for a FREE phishing simulation on your company and see who clicks on that link!

Teleco in the Classrooms for Tech Week šŸ“š

March 18th to 22nd is Tech Week and through the Northwestern Innovation Centre, our Director of Operations, Penny Belluz was asked to be a guest speaker at Westgate CVI and Bishop EQ Jennings schools.āœļøĀ Penny spoke about cybersecurity and being safe online, as well as, brought some older technology with her to share with the students. It’s a great opportunity for us to share our love for technology with the younger generations.

Upgrade to Teleco's Business VoIP Solution Today!

Experience seamless communication with our VoIP business phone solution and enjoy our clients by taking advantage of these top features:

  1. šŸŒĀ Central Management:Ā Control, update and monitor your system from one platform for enhanced efficiency!
  2. šŸ“²Ā Mobile App:Ā Work from anywhere with our mobile app. Stay connected on the go!
  3. šŸ“§Ā Voicemail to Email:Ā Never miss a message. Get voicemails as emails and stay in the loop!
  4. šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’»Ā Auto Attendants:Ā Impress callers with professionalism. Guide them smoothly through your system to who they need to talk to.
  5. šŸŽµĀ Call Queueing:Ā Manage high call volumes effortlessly. Keep customers engaged and enhance satisfaction with customized music on hold!

Upgrade your communication game with Teleco’s VoIP solution.Ā Contact usĀ for a demo today!

April Anniversaries for David Miedema, Chris Cannon and David Doliska! šŸ„³

Happy 11th Anniversary to David Miedema. Fun Fact about David is he used to be one of our top technicians in the field and is now one of our top Account Managers. Congratulations David!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Chris Cannon. Chris is one of our Senior IT Engineers and helps us with some of our more complex IT issues, but also loves to help all clients with any of their IT troubles. If we look after your IT needs then you most likely have had the pleasure to work with Chris. Thanks and Congratulations Chris!

Happy 2nd Anniversary to David Doliska.Ā David joined us two years ago but it seems like much longer as he has jumped in with both feet, learns everything we throw at him and uses his experience to mentor other employees. CongratulationsĀ David!

Team Teleco's Penny Belluz Nominated for Business Person of the Year! šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’¼

We’re thrilled to announce that Penny Belluz, our Director of Operations, has been nominated for Business Person of the Year!Ā šŸ¤

Join us in applauding all the remarkable leaders and organizations nominated for their outstanding contributions. For more details on the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards, to explore all the nominees, and to secure your tickets to the event,Ā click here.

Let’s come together to celebrate excellence and achievement! See you at the event!Ā šŸ†

Answer to the Riddle: Security Camera

Security cameras are an important solution we provide businesses. They enhance safety, deter theft, and monitor operations effortlessly. Businesses can benefit from real-time surveillance, evidence in disputes, and peace of mind.