Not every family has the means to provide a computer or laptop for every member of the household. With parents working from home and now kids having to do school at home, there is often not enough technology to go around.
We are trying to help! We are asking all businesses to donate old, unused laptops or computers so we can wipe them and repurpose them for kids. All computers will be sterilized according to CDC standards for COVID-19. All donations must include a working power cord. Monitors, mouse, and keyboards are also greatly appreciated.With respect to COVID-19 and social distancing we are asking that equipment be dropped off at our office at 1218 Amber Drive between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm through the gate in our fenced in parking area. Tables have been set up for them to be deposited on. Due to employee safety we cannot unfortunately pick up equipment. For large donations, please call Penny Belluz at 807-346-7294. To request a donated computer for your family please fill out this contact form here.
Please spread the word and help us help kids in our community!
Donate a computer today!