Get ready for 10-Digit dialing for local calls!
Starting Fall 2023, Tbaytel Home Phone and Business Voice Customers will need to adopt 10-digit dialing for all local calls originating from a home phone or a business voice line.
Businesses will need to make sure to add area codes to all your devices. Here are some examples of what may need to be reprogrammed / adjusted.
Automatic dialing equipment like safety systems
Medical Monitoring Devices
Fax Machines with auto dials
Fire / Alarm / Temperature Monitoring Equipment
Phone System Speed Dials and One-Touch Auto Dials
Auto Attendant Transfers to External Locations
Call Forward Settings
Voicemail Settings (Dial out of Voicemail to your mobile phone
Be sure to also update your website, business cards, business stationary, advertising material, email signatures and other such items to make sure the area code is included.
For more details on implementation dates, head to tbaytel.net/10digitdialing
Don’t wait and get your business systems ready for a smooth transition to 10-digit dialing, contact us service@teleco.ca or fill out the form below.