
What is SIP?

Only the current big thing in telephony! SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol and is a subset of Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) or audio and video over the same network infrastructure that your data flows. That is, your data network and the Internet. SIP is everywhere and it is likely that the audio on the analogue lines entering…

Complacency breeds failure

Running a business is not easy. As a decision maker or business owner you want to spend time on the things that you are good at and make you money. If your business is big enough or you want your business to grow, you cannot do it all yourself. You have expert staff to do the things they are good…

CAT6/6A data cables are NOT created equally

There is a huge variety of products on the market. You can buy cheap cable at the local hardware store or at many online retailers. There is no governing body that tests cables and stamps them as CAT6 or 6A or has teeth to rectify an abuser of the specification. Buyer beware. Blue Jeans Cable did a test to follow…

How to create a Hot Desk user

Hot Desking allows any one in the office to login to any office phone and use that phone as if it was their own personal office phone. This article will discuss how to set up a Hot Desk user. You need to set up passwords. We have videos below if you prefer to learn through watching. After pulling a config from…

What is Hot Desking?

Hot Desking lets you login to any office phone to make it your own in less than 10 seconds. This avoids reprogramming or re-wiring and gives you access to your extension anywhere in your office. According to Avaya, the award manufacturer of business telephones, "Hot Desking allows users to log in at another phone. Their incoming calls are rerouted to…